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How to Send a Secure Email Without Sending the Email at All

How to Send a Secure Email

How would you react if somebody told you that the best way to send a secure email is to send no email at all?

If you were to say, “That's too obvious,” you'd be right.

But what if you sent an email with the sensitive data, whereas the data itself had never left your secure company’s perimeter at all?

If you were to say, “That's impossible,” you'd sound reasonable.

However, if you are interested in how, and not in what if, then look no further.

The Best Plain-Text Postcard You Don’t Want to Send

Recently, we've uncovered the material about how you can send a secure, encrypted email. This idea, in return, originated from another one – how can one be sure that no third-party will ever see the data when an email is sent?

Based on traditional ways of email communication and the vulnerable protocols used nowadays, it is fairly to say emails are not secure. When you send an unencrypted email, it is as good as sending a postcard: it is enough for everyone to flip over the envelope and read the text.

It isn’t a good idea, especially when you need to send confidential information (for instance, bank account details) to someone you know.

One-way Email

Probably the main concern of sending emails is that they are transferred through SMTP protocol. The protocol prescribes transmitting data in unencrypted form through open email relays.

This means that every piece of data could be intercepted, read, and altered to hack into an email account.

So, the best way to get privacy on the given “postcard” is to encrypt email content and attachments. Once an email is encrypted, it becomes a set of meaningless characters to anyone except the intended recipient.

Security email solutions, which provide encryption services, either require the recipient also to be a member of the platform, or to generate a one-time password to unlock each email.

For example, the first thing you’ll need to do to use Outlook Email Encryption is to exchange digital certificates with the recipient. This might seem cumbersome, but it is a necessary security measure.

Nonetheless, there is one method that not only gives you full control of the email content but keeps it in an encrypted state and prevents disclosure.

This is How You Can Send a Secure Email – No Muss, No Fuss

Sending sensitive information via email in plain text is easy. But this way is open to the risk of being intercepted. And this makes confidential and personal user data susceptible to online threats and cyberattacks.

That's why the StealthMail email security solution uses an approach that allows email users to mitigate the vulnerabilities of traditional email data transferring close to zero.  

Because in this case, StealthMail uses SMTP only to transfer a link that carries no valuable information and cannot be decrypted by unintended recipients.

You Can’t Steal Something That Invisible

A stealth link is a mechanism of transferring sensitive information that makes email data invisible for third parties and secure from online threats.

What StealthMail does is eliminate the actual transferring of the content and its attachments. Instead of sending data by open communication channels, the solution sends a randomly generated stealth link, which only refers to it.

The data encompassed in the link cannot be read or used to compromise the email itself because the data simply is not there. And that makes the link completely useless.

However, its uselessness turns into usefulness right at the moment when StealthMail verifies the recipient and his or her access rights to view the encrypted content.

Once StealthMail finishes verification, the solution:

  • extracts encrypted data from the encrypted storage;
  • delivers it to the authorized recipient via secure channels;
  • performs decryption of the message.

Convoy Party for Your Daily Business Emails

StealthMail is a multi-layered privacy and security solution for business email correspondence.

Aside from the crypto link feature, StealthMail is complemented by the patented Secure Dynamic Network and Protocol (SDNP) technology.

Along with the time-sensitive advanced encryption algorithms, SDNP uses multiple data packets mashup and mixing that make the data interception task (for example, by executing man-in-the-middle attack) as near as impossible. 

Additionally, to enhance security and cryptanalysis, “junk data” (random data) is added to the encrypted email content.

Underlying email encryption options, advanced encryption methods, in combination with the exclusive stealth link feature, make StealthMail a perfect choice for comprehending the fundamental principle of online communications — the secrecy of correspondence.

To learn more about how StealthMail protects organizations from advanced email threats, download the Technical Datasheet, visit StealthMail.com, or Try Free Trial version of the StealthMail email security solution.


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