Uncovering The Secrets of Traditional Email
Why Email Security Matters is a short and sweet book that presents you with sour email problems you didn't even think about before.
This publication will get you up to speed on email matters worth talking about, and get you familiar with challenges Internet users experienced for the past 40 years. While this book offers tough answers to critical questions, it manages to keep the spirits of readers high from first page to last.
Here is a glimpse of what you can find in this book:

Here is a glimpse of what you can find in this book:
- 5 email myths vast majority still believe to this day
- The reason why email is involved in 90% of successful cyberattacks
- How hackers have managed to cause as much as 12 billion in damages in just under 5 years
- 4 facts you should know to be safer in the public web
- Email problems that transcend the usual levels of frustration, but don’t get enough attention