Email Security and Compliance for Remote Work

EnterpriseEmail Security

StealthMail is an enterprise security solution that lets you make business email invisible to relays, hackers or public internet threats.

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StealthMail Applications

Free Trial

Get confidence in complete data control, start a free trial of StealthMail now.

  • Data-Centric Security

    Time-sensitive encryption, scrambling, splitting and mixing algorithms are used to secure data packets on end user devices, in transit and at rest.

  • Encryption Key Ownership

    Be the sole owner of the encryption keys to your data. No vendor or cloud provider has access to your encrypted information.

  • Role-Based Controls

    Manage user access rights, recall delivered emails, monitor who and when accesses secure data.

  • Full Legal Compliance

    Restrict permissions to reply, forward, copy & print. Control shared content, safely email Stealth-links and keep data encrypted in the cloud.

Email Threat Protection

  • Phishing

    Phishing &
    Spear Phishing

  • BEC

    Business Email
    Compromise (BEC)

  • EAC

    Email Account
    Compromise (EAC)

  • MITM



How it Works

StealthMail uses Email only to send Stealth-Links that do not contain any user information whatsoever.

Only through the Stealth-Links can an authorized user access encrypted Email content and attachments.

This approach to protecting emails makes the gaping vulnerabilities of SMTP, SSL/TLS a complete non-issue.



Reinforce cloud security and ensure protection of hosted email servers. StealthMail integrates with leading platforms to allow control business email data, secure sensitive communication, and manage access to confidential information.

G SuiteOffice 365ExchangeStealthMail for Microsoft Teams


StealthMail provides true end-to-end encryption, where security keys are generated and stored on the user's side. Moreover, only the user owns the keys and decides where to store his email content (on company's local servers, in the cloud, or in StealthMail storage).

StealthMail is a category leading stealth data technology solution based on Secure Dynamic Network Protocol (SDNP).

  • Encryption keys

    ECC 512+

    bit elliptic curve

  • Data transfer

    TWOFISH 256


  • Messaging


    bit HMAC key

  • Signature and Auth

    RSA 8192


  • Data storage

    AES 256


  • Passwords hash

    SHA-3 512


Microsoft One
Commercial Partner

Microsoft Partner

San Francisco


Hong Kong



Email transfer simulation. Actual content cannot be tracked.

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